If you have a business that receives a lot of reviews/ratings on your Google Business Page per month, you can now automate ChatGPT responses to positive ratings and/or get an email notification whenever you receive a negative rating.
What You Need To Get Started
- Paid version of Zapier
- Paid version of ChatGPT. To top up credits:
- Login to your ChatGPT account platform.openai.com, click on your account on the upper right corner and go to View API Keys
- Click on Billing to Add to credit balance
Once you have those two sorted out, you can now create the first workflow:
Workflow 1: Auto Respond to Positive Business Page Reviews with Chat GPT
Login to your Zapier account and create a new Zap. For this workflow, there will be one Trigger and three Actions. Follow these steps to create the workflow:
- Add a Trigger: Search and select Google My Business
- Under Event, select New Review then click Continue.
- Under Account, select your Google My Business account then click Continue.
- Under Trigger, go to the Location tab and select your Google Business Page then click Continue.
- Test the Trigger and click Continue with selected record.
- Add Action: Search and select Filter by Zapier
- Under Filter setup & testing, Only continue if:
- Select “Number Rating”
- Select “(Number) Greater than”
- Type in “3” then click Continue
- Under Filter setup & testing, Only continue if:
- Add Action: Search and select Filter by Zapier
- Add Action: Search and select ChatGPT
- Under Event, select Conversation then click Continue.
- Under Account, select your ChatGPT account then click Continue.
- Under Action, for “User Message”, select Comment from the dropdown then click Continue.
- Scroll down to Assistant Instructions and type down a prompt for ChatGPT (e.g. “Create a response thanking the client for their positive review. Echo back any services that we provided for them. Don’t worry about addressing them by their name or leaving a spot for the client name.”)
- Leave all other fields under Action as it is and then Click Continue.
- Add Action: Search and select ChatGPT
- Add Action: Search and select Google My Business
- Under Event, select Create Reply
- Under Account, select your Google My Business account
- Under Action:
- For “Review Name”, select the Review Name from the dropdown
- For “Your Reply”, select 3. Conversation in ChatGPT, scroll to the bottom of the dropdown menu and select “Reply” then click Continue.
- Under Action:
- Click Test action to test the automation and Publish when ready!
- Add Action: Search and select Google My Business
Now that you have automated responses to your positive ratings, it’s now time to create the second workflow:
Workflow II: Automatically Send An Email Notification To Your Customer Service Rep When You Receive a Negative Review
- Add a Trigger: Search and select Google My Business
- Under Event, select New Review then click Continue.
- Under Account, select your Google My Business account then click Continue.
- Under Trigger, go to the Location tab and select your Google Business Page then click Continue.
- Test Trigger and click Continue with selected record.
- Add Action: Search and select Filter by Zapier
- Under Filter setup & testing, Only continue if:
- Select “Number Rating”
- Select “(Number) is less than”
- Type in “4” then click Continue
- Under Filter setup & testing, Only continue if:
- Add Action: Search and select Filter by Zapier
- Add Action: Search and select Gmail (or your email service provider)
- Under Event, select Send Email then click Continue.
- Select your email account
- Under Step details, for
- To: type in your email address
- From Name: you may type in your name
- Subject: you may write ‘New Negative Google Review’ or something to that effect
- Body Type: plain
- Body: Please action negative review from, select “Reviewer Name”
- Under Step details, for
- Click Test action to test the automation and Publish when ready!
- Add Action: Search and select Gmail (or your email service provider)
Having those two workflows setup saves you a lot of time and energy from replying to each and every review you receive. And in the event that you get a negative review (low rating), you or your customer service representative will be notified so you can then apply your SOP’s to handle those negative reviews. It doesn’t cost a lot of money to do and if you are generating a lot of reviews monthly, your money spent will be worthwhile.